However, information was provided to the patients, and they requested histological confirmation of the synchronous BI-RADS C3 lesions and their subsequent removal. The Institutional Review Board of Pusan National University Hospital approved this study, and patient approval or informed consent was not required to review the patient images and records because the study was performed retrospectively using routinely acquired data (IRB approval number: E-2015025). Conversely, synchronous nodules in a different quadrant of the ipsilateral breast or in the contralateral breast were selectively excised using another incision. Consequently, synchronous nodules in the same quadrant were usually excised along with the main tumor. In cases of synchronous nodules in the same quadrant of the ipsilateral breast, clinicians excised nodules easily with minimal extension of the surgical margin. The surgical methods used for the treatment of the primary cancer lesions were breast-conserving surgery or mastectomy with or without reconstruction.
After localization using a skin marker or wire, the lesions were excised during surgery for breast cancer management. Most nodules were nonpalpable and were detected incidentally. In the US reports, we found records regarding 219 synchronous BI-RADS C3 nodules from 161 patients. All patients underwent preoperative bilateral whole-breast US to evaluate the location, size, and extent of the primary tumor, multifocal malignancy, and axillary nodal status. The patients were diagnosed as having in situ cancer or invasive cancer by means of needle, vacuum-assisted, or excisional biopsy. Data were retrospectively collected from medical records, imaging reports, and histological results. Between January 2010 and January 2013, a total of 161 patients underwent surgery in our institute for breast cancer with synchronous BI-RADS C3 lesions located in the ipsilateral or contralateral breast.